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Emergency Children's Dentistry in Lancaster, PA

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What Is Urgent Dental Care?

Dental emergencies are common among children and can be distressing for both kids and parents. At Lancaster Pediatric Dental Associates, our board-certified team is available 24/7 to provide emergency dental care. We handle various urgent dental issues, including toothaches, broken or knocked-out teeth, and injuries to the lips, cheeks, gums, and tongue. These emergencies often result from sports accidents, blunt trauma, or chewing hard foods. While your child may or may not express any discomfort, it is still extremely important to have one of our emergency dentists take a look to screen for hidden damage. If your child has a dental emergency, please call our office in Lancaster, PA immediately to ensure prompt and thorough care.

What Are The Different Types of Dental Emergencies?

As a parent, you are likely wondering what you can do to assist your child if a dental emergency occurs. In the event of an emergency, please call our Lancaster, PA office to speak with one of our dentists immediately. Our team is specially trained to treat all types of dental emergencies in-office and on a hospital basis. The following are helpful tips to follow until you arrive at our practice or the hospital for care:

  • Toothache: If your child reports experiencing a toothache or pain, have them first rinse with warm water. Check to ensure that food is not trapped between the teeth in any area. You can give them children’s pain relievers to help manage the discomfort, but avoid applying heat, topical gels, or aspirin directly to the area, as these can harm delicate gum tissues and lead to further damage.
  • Knocked-out tooth: Hold the knocked-out tooth by the crown (the part above the gums), and rinse it with water, taking care not to touch the root. Place the tooth in a container of milk and bring it with you to our office or the hospital. Knocked-out teeth may be re-implanted and saved if quick action is taken.
  • Chipped or broken tooth: Have your child rinse with water and then apply a cold compress to the face or jaw. If possible, locate the tooth fragment(s) and bring any pieces with you to your child's emergency visit.
  • Bite to the lip or tongue: If bleeding occurs due to a bite on the lip, tongue, or other soft tissues, clean the area with water and apply a cold compress or wet washcloth to reduce swelling.
  • Loose tooth: While a loose baby tooth is usually an exciting event, it can sometimes be inhaled or swallowed. Contact our team for a visit if your child has an extremely loose tooth.
  • Jaw injury: Trauma to the jaw often results from a head injury, which can be life-threatening. If your child experiences a broken jaw or similar injury, apply a cold compress, but head to the hospital right away.
  • Object caught between the teeth: Occasionally, food or other objects may become trapped between the teeth. If this occurs, gently try to remove the object with dental floss, but avoid using toothpicks, plastic, or metal instruments, as these can break off or cause damage.

What Are the Benefits of Emergency Children's Dentistry?

Emergency children's dental care performed at Lancaster Pediatric Dental Associates can help provide immediate response to dental emergencies, boosting your child's oral health and overall wellness. Some of the many main benefits of emergency dental care include:

  • Peace of mind: Our team is available outside of normal office hours, so you can get rapid care should you have an emergency
  • Treating infections: Our team could promptly address these problems, performing suitable treatment to purge the infection and stop its expansion
  • Preserving their smile: Our dentists can frequently reposition a dislodged tooth or provide effective treatment options to save the existing tooth structure
  • Preventing other problems: Emergency dental care may help stop issues from worsening and reduce the likelihood of lasting damage or infection
  • Quick pain relief: Emergency care helps to reduce pain as soon as possible, offering the comfort your child needs after a dental emergency
  • Swift assessment and detection: You will be given a detailed evaluation and diagnosis of the condition, seeing to it that suitable treatments are provided without delay

Who Is a Candidate for Emergency Care?

Our experienced team at Lancaster Pediatric Dental Associates provides prompt care for all urgent dental needs. Emergency services are essential for issues like toothaches, jaw injuries, dislodged teeth, or lost fillings. Even minor concerns, such as a chipped tooth, should be evaluated to prevent complications. Knocked-out teeth require immediate attention, ideally within 30 minutes, for the best chance of successful re-implantation. Contact us right away for guidance on managing your child’s discomfort and preserving any lost tooth or restoration until you arrive.

What Should I Expect During A Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies vary according to each unique situation. When you arrive at our practice or the hospital, one of our highly trained pediatric dentists will provide a thorough assessment of your child's mouth and then render a diagnosis. We may take digital x-rays to screen for areas of damage not visible to the naked eye. Once we fully understand your child's situation, we will talk with you about treatment options and develop a plan of action. Our goal is to get your child out of discomfort and back to enjoying a happy and healthy smile as quickly as possible. Depending on your child's needs, this may take one or more dental visits.

What Should I do After a Dental Emergency?

Specific follow-up and recovery instructions will be provided for you after your child's dental emergency visit. A prescription for antibiotics might be given if an infection is present while over-the-counter pain relievers may be suggested to improve your child's comfort. We may also recommend follow-up visits to complete treatment or evaluate your child's healing progress. Tips on preventing future dental emergencies can also be reviewed, which might include the fabrication of a custom mouth guard to protect the teeth and gums during sporting activities. Maintaining good oral hygiene at home, along with routine dental cleaning and exam visits at Lancaster Pediatric Dental Associates, can also help keep your child's teeth strong and smile healthy. Throughout your child's future dental visits, our team will continue to assess their recovery and oral health.

Will Insurance Cover A Dental Emergency?

Lancaster Pediatric Dental Associates is pleased to be a participating provider for several dental insurance plans. Once we have examined your child and determined their treatment needs, we will contact your provider and determine coverage amounts. Please do not delay seeking urgent dental care for your child due to financial worries as this could lead to greater discomfort and larger treatment needs. We accept several types of convenient payment solutions and can help you apply for low-interest financing to help cover any uncovered portion of your child's care.

Emergency Children's Dentistry FAQ

How do I know if swelling requires pediatric dental urgent care?
The best way to decide if your child's swelling needs immediate dental attention is to determine if the symptom is severe. For example, if your child is experiencing a little bit of swelling accompanied by a toothache, give us a call during regular business hours, and we can help you determine if they need to be seen. If you would classify your child's swelling as severe or serious, contact our office for emergency dental care immediately so we can help keep your child in optimal oral health.

If my child has a broken or dislodged tooth, when should we contact our dentist?
If your child has a tooth knocked out or broken, it is imperative that you contact us as soon as possible. We recommend placing the tooth in milk to preserve it until your child can be seen. Our team is committed to preserving the health of your child's teeth and gums at all times! If your child is experiencing a pediatric dental emergency, contact our Lancaster, PA office to be seen promptly.

How can I be prepared for a dental emergency?
The best tip we can recommend is to have our address and contact information saved in a place where you can easily access them. We understand dental emergencies can be scary and chaotic. But rest assured, you can trust our team to help your child in any way we can!

When do I know if my child's tooth pain has become an emergency?
You should consider your child's tooth pain an emergency if it is severe, persistent, or accompanied by symptoms like swelling, fever, or difficulty eating and sleeping. Additionally, if there is visible damage to the tooth, such as a crack or loss, or if the pain worsens over time, immediate dental attention is needed. It's always best to contact a dentist if you're unsure or concerned about the severity of the pain.

Is my child losing an adult tooth an emergency?
If your child is losing an adult tooth due to trauma, such as a fall or injury, it is considered an emergency and requires immediate dental attention. In cases where the tooth is loose but not due to injury, it's still important to consult with a dentist, especially if there is pain or swelling. Prompt evaluation at our practice in Lancaster, PA can help ensure proper care and prevent complications.

How can I support my child during a dental emergency?
Supporting your child during a dental emergency involves staying calm and reassuring them while addressing their immediate needs. It's important to provide comfort, such as holding their hand or speaking gently, and to seek dental care as soon as possible. Additionally, having a plan in place, including knowing the contact information for your dentist or nearest emergency dental clinic, can help you respond quickly and effectively.

Comfort, Care, and Compassion

Our expert emergency pediatric dentists have been serving the needs of children in Lancaster, PA since 1985. We understand the unique needs of children, especially in an emergency situation. If your child has experienced a bump to the mouth or jaw or has bleeding, discomfort, or any type of injury, please get in touch with Lancaster Pediatric Dental Associates right away. We are available around-the-clock to provide the trusted, compassionate care your child needs.

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